Sunday, February 23, 2020

Cheesecake Mini Delights Recipe

Cheesecake Mini Delight Recipe - makes 2 servings

This is a great recipe when you just want a couple servings
of cheesecake, not a large dessert. 
It is every bit as good but makes up fast
and doesn't require a large amount of ingredients.

The Crust is simply:
4 graham crackers (put them in a zip lock baggie and crush with a rolling pin),
a little sugar (2 t.)  and 2 T. melted butter to hold it together.

In a small bowl mix the crackers and sugar, then mix in the butter. 
Divide the mix in half and add to 2 ramekins that
have been sprayed with cooking spray.

Press the crumbs to the sides and bottom of the ramekins, 
then bake at 350 degrees in a toaster oven or regular oven for 10 minutes.

After that. . . no more baking!

While the crust is cooling, make the filling.

In a small bowl with hand electric mixer:
mix 2 oz. cream cheese that is softened with 2 T. of sour cream.
Then add 1/4 c. powdered sugar. Mix well.
And last, gently fold in 1/2 c. whipped topping and 1/8 t. vanilla extract. 

Spoon half of the filling in each ramekin. 
Then top with cherry pie filling or other topping.
Let it chill good before serving. 

Of course a squirt of whipped cream on top just seems to finish it off!

You can cut the recipe in half and just make one.
But trust me . . you will want 2 even if just for you!


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