Thursday, July 1, 2021

Dry brushing to improve health


This is a great set to get started in dry brushing technique to improve your health.
I like to do it 1 or 2 times a day
and brush towards the heart 6 times in each area.
History of Dry Brushing: Dry brushing is a ritual that has been utilized over the centuries in multiple cultures. The ancient civilizations of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Russians, and Native Americans all incorporated body brushing for skin therapy and beauty purposes. 
Dry brushing has made a resurgence in modern times thanks to celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Salma Hayek spreading the benefits of the ancient ritual to the masses. Recommendations from celebrities can cost a person hundreds of dollars but dry brushing is inexpensive, easy, and effective! 
Why Dry Brush? Dry brushing increases blood circulation. It detoxifies and exfoliates your body, as well as promotes lymphatic drainage. Brushing is a simple technique that can be done in 2 -5 minutes daily or as little as a few times a week depending on one's preference. This quick ritual will have you feeling the benefits both physically and mentally in no time! 
Health and Beautification Benefits of Dry Brushing
Skin is our largest organ and requires care just like our other organs. One-third of toxins in the body are excreted through the skin. When the pores are clogged toxins remain trapped in the skin, which can lead to health issues. 
● Dry Brushing detoxifies + exfoliates the skin/body
● Dry Brushing encourages collagen production
● Dry Brushing Increases circulation
● Dry Brushing reduces cellulite
● Dry Brushing tightens skin
● Dry Brushing stimulates the Lymphatic System

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